
General medicine case discussion

April 26 th Case scenario....... Hi, I am  M.Yamini 5th sem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: The 45 year old male occupation by driver came from narketpally to general medicine opd date of admission 21 st April. Chief complaints: Body shaking since 4 days  with slight rise of body temperature History of presenting illness: The patient was asymptomatic 4 days back then,he developed tremor s associated with fever.tremors are continuous with slight rise of body temperature.he had   3 episode s of vomiting, after drinking ors  Vomiting Non projectile Non bilious With food contents Fever was first observed in the morning which is continuous and not associated with any factors.he didn't take any medication for fever He was given 2 salines ,ors,by local rmp for weakness of the body .but tremor s didn't subside ,he referred to Kims Past h

General medicine case discussion

April 24th Case scenario....... Hi, I am M.Yamini , 5th sem medical April 17th Case scenario....... Hi, I am M.Yamini , 5th sem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET:The 28 year old female occupation farmer came ,from West Bengal to general medicine opd  Chief complaint s: Pain & weakness in right upper limb & lower limb History of presenting illness: Patient was asymptomatic 8 year s ago , while watering in garden she got musle sprain in back  Onset: insidious Pain: dragging type of pain  Radiation: Radiating towards the left lower back then right upper limb & lower limb Aggregating factors: while doing normal moment s, increase s in night time Relieving factors: pain is relieved by medication & massage 3 years ago patient consulted to orthopaedic put on some medication,then she relieved her pain,she discontinued her medication

General medicine case discussion

April 24th Case scenario....... Hi, I am M.Yamini , 5th sem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET:The 60 year old male occupation by village volunteer came from thanamcharla to general medicine opd (Date of admission:19th April) Chief complaints: Abdominal Distension,since 7 days . HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient was apparently asymptomatic,1 month ago but suddenly he develops pain in abdomen Pain character: pricking type Radiation:from umbilicus to left lumbar region Aggregating factors: after eating Relieving factors: while sleep No associated factors Abdominal distension: Since 7 days Insidious in onset Gradually progress to present size Starting point: umbilicus Diffuse type of Distension Past history: No h/o previous similar episode s No h/ o previous surgeries He developed jaundice 2 months back ,then he used herbal medicine for 5

General medicine case discussion

April 20,Case scenario....... Hi, I am M.Yamini , 5th sem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: The 36 year old female, occupation by farmer ,came from thirumalagiri to general medicine opd. Chief complaints: Pain in abdomen since 1 month , vomiting once in 10 days . HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient Was apparently Asymptomatic 1 month back ,but suddenly she was developed pain in abdomen & vomiting once in 10 days  Region: epigastric region  Type of pain: non radiating type & crushing type of pain She developed pain in abdomen once in 10 days relieved by vomiting,she developes vomiting mostly in the early morning Contents :food particles Non projectile type of vomiting Bilious type of vomiting She didn't take any medication for her pain in abdomen & vomiting,but she takes ors /eno after vomiting Yesterday ,she developed hemat

General Medicine Case Discussion

April 17th Case scenario....... Hi, I am M.Yamini , 5th sem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET:The 60 year old female,housewife,came from nijalapalli to  general medicine opd Chief complaints: Dizziness, since 2 days with 1 episode of vomiting 2 days ago  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient was apparently asymptomatic  3 days back,suddenly she felt dizziness in the evening.No association factors,sudden  in onset  Vomiting 2 days back Non projectile,non bilious. Contents: food PAST HISTORY : A known case of hypertension (since 4years, Medication: Amlodipine Right Nephrectomy was done 2 months back at Kim's , narketpally. PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet:Mixed previously,but present only consumes egg. Appetite: decreased Sleep : Adequate  Bowel& Bladder movement s: Regular No food & drug allergies Addictions: Early she consumes betal lea

General medicine case discussion

April 17th Case scenario....... Hi, I am M.Yamini , 5th sem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET:A 32 year old male, farmer by occupation,came from miryalaguda to general medicine opd ,date of admission:11/April Chief complaints: Fever since 9 days , associated with cough from 3 days & chest pain HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient was apparently asymptomatic 9 day's back, suddenly he develops fever, Intermittent fever with evening rise of temperature,fever with chills & headache. He took medication at home,fever not relieved on medication.then he came to our hospital. Headache:on frontol region,throbbing type of pain, bilateral,not radiating, Headache relieved on medication. Cough:3 days back he developed dry cough Chest pain:on right side Wt loss :not significant PAST HISTORY :Not significant PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet:Mixed Appe

General medicine case discussion

Yamini   April 14th,2023 April 14  th Case scenario....... Hi, I am M.Yamini , 3rd sem medical student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET:A 70year old male , occupation carpentor,came from budharam to general medicine opd Chief complaints: General weakness  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Depending on some one for daily activities Weakness of right upper limb and right lower limb Headache: bitemporal radiate to occipital region  Onset: sudden Weakness: upper limb  Proximal: present Distal: present Lower limb weakness: present Weakness of Trunk : absent  Weakness of Neck : absent H/o Sensory loss : Touch sensation:present Pain sensation: present Timbling sensation: present H/o loss of consciousness: present Vomiting: present Diarrhea: absent Headache: present Blurring of vision absent  Burning micturition: absent  PAST HISTORY: A know case of hypertension since